sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

Academic style...

University mades you more efficiently while you're working with a camera and a laptop. This time it tooks to made an institutional video with the participation of Iván Paredes Shoncoqui (- Facebook.com/ivanalexander.paredes - An achitecture student (now graduated) from USIL who I met during my General Courses). Good guy, good friend, I hope he's doing well as always 😀 (R&U: 25/10/2018).

Best lesson here is while you're student; over than over your progress will be tested... They don't care if you're sad, widowed, busy, on mourning, or sick. They just want to see your work: Notice the changes through just twice years. (Recorded on: 14/11/2019 - Uploaded: 24/01/2020).

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